Product Image for FHIR converter

FHIR converter

FHIR converter enables conversion of health data from legacy formats to and from FHIR using the Liquid templating language and the .NET runtime.

This container image provides ready-to-use REST based APIs that support the following conversions: HL7v2 to FHIR, C-CDA to FHIR, JSON to FHIR, FHIR STU3 to R4, and FHIR to HL7v2(Preview).

Please refer to the FHIR converter official GitHub repository for more information.

docker pull

List of all available tags can be found here.

For detailed instructions on how to use this container, and configure a FHIR converter service using this container image, please refer to the setup instructions on Github.

For support, feedback or general questions, please open an issue.

The project is covered by MIT License. The detailed license text is available here.