FHIR converter
FHIR converter enables conversion of health data from legacy formats to and from FHIR using the Liquid templating language and the .NET runtime.
This container image provides ready-to-use REST based APIs that support the following conversions: HL7v2 to FHIR, C-CDA to FHIR, JSON to FHIR, FHIR STU3 to R4, and FHIR to HL7v2(Preview).
Please refer to the FHIR converter official GitHub repository for more information.
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/healthcareapis/fhir-converter
List of all available tags can be found here.
For detailed instructions on how to use this container, and configure a FHIR converter service using this container image, please refer to the setup instructions on Github.
For support, feedback or general questions, please open an issue.
- Legal Notice: MAR Legal Notice
The project is covered by MIT License. The detailed license text is available here.